Valencia County is kicking off an update to its Comprehensive Plan, an important policy document that will guide how the county will grow and use its land for the next 30 years. Ultimately, the Comprehensive Plan creates an opportunity to create a vision for the future of Valencia County through a community and data-driven process.
The Valencia County Comprehensive Plan considers the community services and future growth associated with unincorporated portions of the county. This website will serve as a resource for information on the Comprehensive Plan and opportunities to get involved.
View a Draft Version of the Comprehensive Plan
The latest draft of the Valencia County Comprehensive is now available to be viewed using the link below. Comments can be made via the project website through January 15, 2022.
Please join us at our upcoming Public Meeting and Facebook Live open house events.
Public Meeting – December 7, 2021
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Facebook Live Open House – December 16, 2021
12:00 – 1:00 pm and 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Use the following links to learn more and attend the open house.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
Use the button bellow to view an overview of comprehensive plans.
Current Comprehensive Plan
The last Comprehensive Plan was completed in 2005. You can view the last comprehensive plan by clicking the button below.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan
The Mid-Region Council of Governments, of which Valencia County is a member agency, produces a long-range regional transportation plan every five years. The most recent version, the Connections 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan documents regional priorities and proposed transportation improvement projects across the region. As part of its planning process, MRCOG develops county and small-area housing, population, and employment projections for the region. The plan Valencia Comprehensive Plan references the growth projections and transportation improvements contained in the MTP. Learn more about the MTP and regional transportation planning issues here:
View the County Commission Meeting Presentation
Use the button bellow to view the presentation from the Valencia County Commission Meeting on 02/03/21.
Project Area Map
To see the project area included in the Comprehensive plan, click the button below.
MRCOG Key Centers Map
The Mid-Region Council of Governments has identified several key centers within Valencia County that are expected to become increasingly significant going forward. You can view these key centers by clicking the button below.

Get Involved
Valencia County is growing and the County needs your help to help guide the county’s growth for the next 30 years!
Comprehensive planning is the community’s opportunity to create a vision for the future of Valencia County. Through a community-driven process, the comprehensive plan will be used to outline existing conditions, challenges, and opportunities available to the community, and establish the goals needed to achieve the community’s vision for the future of Valencia County. The County will also be holding a series of virtual public meetings to gather public input from Valencia County citizens like you!
Use the buttons below to take a survey and find information on public meetings where you can provide your input on key issues and priorities for Valencia County in the coming decades!
The survey is now closed.
Virtual Public Meetings
Upcoming Meeting – December 7, 2021
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Meeting ID: 863 5312 0310
Passcode: 150407
1-669-900-6833 US
Thanks to all who attended one or both of the prior virtual public meetings.
The slides from the previous public meetings are available to be viewed by clicking this button below.