Water Resources
The precious resource of water must be well managed and conveyed—particularly in the arid environment of the Southwestern U.S. Whether supplying a community with water for drinking, being channeled through a drainage structure, or being treated at a facility after use, water requires expert management based on a foundation of engineering.
Bohannan Huston’s professional Water Resources staff is experienced in managing a wide variety of water projects, from dams to pipelines to riparian restoration to drainage management plans to wastewater treatment operations. They utilize hydrologic and hydraulic principles to design water facilities that efficiently meet the objectives of client organizations while adhering to applicable environmental regulations. They strive to incorporate sustainable engineering concepts into every project Bohannan Huston undertakes.
Our Services Include:
- Drainage Management Planning
- Flood Control – Hydrology & Hydraulics
- Storm Water Quality Mitigation Facility Analysis & Design
- Irrigation
- Watershed Management Planning
- Open Channel Structural Analysis & Design
- Reservoir & Dam Analysis & Design
- River Restoration
- Pump Station, Well, & Storage Reservoir Design
- Governmental/Environmental Approvals & Compliance
Water and Wastewater Systems
We provide a full range of engineering services for planning, design, construction, and monitoring of public and private water and wastewater systems. Our engineers have participated in the planning, design, and construction of water and wastewater system projects and have completed numerous improvement projects which have included facility modeling and planning, design, and construction administration.
Our Services Include:
- Water System Modeling
- Waterline Design
- Sanitary Sewer Line Design
- Water and Wastewater Systems Rehabilitation and Improvement
- Wastewater Treatment Facility Analysis and Design
- Construction Inspection and Administration
- Governmental/Environmental Approvals and Compliance
Download these files to learn more about our Water Resource Services: