The BHI project team completed the Master Drainage Plan (MDP) for the Wolf Creek watershed to help Arapahoe County improve the drainage systems for the portion of the watershed within the county. The Wolf Creek MDP focuses on the part of the watershed within Arapahoe County— covering approximately 37 square miles. To ensure community safety, the Wolf Creek MDP evaluated how Wolf Creek and its tributaries will convey floodwaters during a range of storm events.
The team developed drainage management recommendations to guide the future development and use of property within the study area. The MDP recommends improvements for numerous roadway crossing culverts and evaluates flow patterns and inundation limits using HEC-RAS and RAS Mapper for 18 miles of Wolf Creek and 20 miles of tributaries. Currently, the watershed is primarily undeveloped, and the MDP will be used to provide critical guidance for adaptive management of future construction as development occurs. Using the MDP as a planning tool will help plan for future growth and improvements by starting with robust watershed and flood inundation data along with a feasible and adaptive plan for drainage infrastructure.