Statewide Bicycle Network Plan
Location: New Mexico
The Prioritized Statewide Bicycle Network Plan (NM Bike Plan) considers how to best provide New Mexico residents and visitors with a safe and connected bicycle network at the statewide level. The NM Bike Plan specifically prioritizes State-owned roadways based on their appropriateness for bicycle infrastructure and creates a series of bicycle-friendly roadway design guidelines (e.g., wide shoulders, bicycle lanes, or separated trails). The NM Bike Plan will help guide roadway improvements and incorporate bicycle infrastructure on NMDOT roadways as they undergo regularly-scheduled maintenance as well as major reconstruction. BHI and Alta Planning + Design collaborated on the Plan, the first of its kind in New Mexico.
As part of the plan development, BHI led a statewide outreach process that included a combination of public meetings, agency/stakeholder meetings, and online input opportunities. Information on the new plan is available at the project website created by BHI ( The Plan was completed in fall 2018.