Ruidoso Traffic Calming and Roadway Design Guides
Location: Ruidoso, New Mexico
Rendering of traffic calming measures on a Village of Ruidoso roadway
In an effort to address traffic issues along Village-owned roadways, as well as provide updated technical guidance and standards for roadway construction, the Village of Ruidoso enlisted the support of BHI to write two complementary guidance documents. The Ruidoso Roadway Design Guide provides guidance for newly-constructed roadways and for roadway improvement projects by setting the minimum design and technical criteria for roadway facilities owned and maintained by the Village of Ruidoso. The Ruidoso Traffic Calming Guide was developed to help the Village identify the most appropriate traffic calming measures for problem areas in the Village. The Traffic Calming Guide profiles a multitude of traffic calming methods (e.g., speed tables, traffic circles, etc.), along with their effectiveness at reducing speeds, estimated costs of installation, advantages/disadvantages, and appropriateness for different roadway types in Ruidoso. The guide also provides visualizations of these various traffic calming methods on Village of Ruidoso roadways and a decision-making matrix to further assist local officials.
To develop these guides, BHI incorporated widely used industry best practices with design guidance so they could be easily applied to Village streets. This was accomplished by adapting best practices from national design manuals and traffic calming guidelines to a small town and rural context specific to the Village of Ruidoso.