Roswell Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
Location: Roswell, New Mexico
BHI assisted the City of Roswell with developing its first ever Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The Plan builds upon a foundation of recreational trails to enhance and expand key City-wide bicycling routes and improve conditions for pedestrians in priority areas across Roswell. To identify general priorities, major destinations, and potential routes, BHI implemented a multi-faceted approach that combined in-person meetings with online participation opportunities such as an interactive map, questionnaire, and dedicated project website ( BHI also oversaw the involvement of a range of stakeholders—including the New Mexico Department of Transportation, City staff, and peer agencies—to gain long-term buy-in for the proposed bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
The Plan proposed a priority network of on- and off-road improvements that maximize safety and appeal to all bicyclist comfort levels. Priority routes and pedestrian priority areas were established based on community values and priorities, consistency with the NMDOT’s Statewide Prioritized Bicycle Network Plan, access to major destinations, overall system connectivity, and availability of resources. The priority network is complemented by a bicycle and pedestrian facilities design guide customized for the City of Roswell.