The APS Community Stadium—a new 7,000-seat football stadium and 2,600-seat track & field facility with parking accommodations for 1,450 vehicles—expands Albuquerque’s athletic facilities available to local schools. The combined engineering team contributed a broad range of expertise to develop the on- and off-site infrastructure (covering 130 acres) for the new stadium. Challenges the BHI team addressed included hydrologic modeling, runoff through the site, incorporating sustainable design features like water harvesting in the parking areas, and ensuring seamless connectivity with adjacent civil infrastructure. The team resolved complex issues with creative ideas that were designed to work with the site’s specific context, not force the site to be re-molded around them.
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Client: City of Albuquerque
Markets: Education
Award Winning Project: 2014 Engineering Excellence Award|Grand Conceptor – ACEC New Mexico, 2013 Eagle Award – NAIOP