NMSU Transportation Asset Management Plan
Owner: New Mexico State University
Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico
New Mexico State University (NMSU) partnered with BHI to generate a plan to manage the transportation network on the NMSU campus. BHI conducted a visual field assessment of roadway conditions for the project and provided pavement and roadway conditions scores. Then the necessary roadway improvements were categorized to compile a preliminary cost estimate by improvement type. Utilizing the NMSU GIS-based data and network maps, a set of base maps was created to integrate the transportation network into an interactive GIS-based planning tool. By building a custom interactive tool, the achieved outcome was that the tool serves as a data collection mechanism and an automated GIS application of the prioritization process for decision-making around future infrastructure projects. The technical planning document supports the data-collection, cost estimates, decision-making/prioritization process, and a recommended roadway investment along with the GIS-based planning tool that was well received by the NMSU stakeholders.