BHI Learns about the three R’s – Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse
Olin Brown, Amit Pathak, Vince Steiner, and Pam Thies (members of BHI’s Sustainable Solutions Task Force) attended a presentation at Annunciation Catholic School where Mr. Walsh‘s 4th grade class spoke of the many ways they are leading the effort to “Go Green” at their school and also encouraging the community around them to do so. After discussing what BHI engineers do and how we incorporate sustainability into our work, Amit, Vince, Olin, and Pam were taught (and quizzed!) about the processes behind the recycling of various materials and what types of waste the City of Albuquerque currently recycles. Olin, Amit, Vince, and Pam all listened to several presentations on the three Rs, including their recycling efforts at the school and how earthworms are being used in their school to compost waste paper and produce castings that can be used as soil fertilizer. Mr. Walsh and his class are looking forward to continuing the conversation, possibly at a follow-up presentation here at BHI!