Kiowa Creek Master Drainage Plan
Location: Arapahoe County, Colorado
The overarching objectives for the Kiowa Creek MDP were to evaluate and recommend improvements for numerous roadway crossing culverts, establish flow patterns and floodplains, and develop drainage management recommendations to guide future development and use of property within the Kiowa Creek study area. BHI’s major tasks included site investigation, field survey and mapping, hydrologic modeling (using CUHP and SWMM), hydraulic modeling (using HEC-RAS), development of drainage recommendations including conceptual design and cost estimates, public meetings, and coordination. BHI completed the MDP in accordance with UDFCD Master Planning guideline and procedures and implemented UDFCD planning and design tools as appropriate.
BHI used cutting-edge Spatial Data and Engineering Tools, including GRASS GIS, to readily identify current flow patterns along with geomorphologic changes over time to Kiowa Creek and its tributaries. These tools helped inform the assessment of the site conditions and the development of the most appropriate drainage recommendations.