Members of the BHI team have been performing work at Aztec Municipal Airport for nearly twenty-five years, and BHI was selected in 2017 as the airport consultant to continue this work. The firm is providing programming, airport planning, preliminary engineering reports as well as the design, plans, specifications, contract documents, and cost estimates for development projects. BHI is completing the design for a new runway lighting system to replace retro-reflective edge marking system, PAPIs, a new primary wind cone, and a new electrical vault.
Our team assisted the City with updates to airport documents as required based on project improvements, including FAA-required Airport Capital Infrastructure Planning and Overall Project Development Objectives. The team is currently updating the Aztec Airport Action Plan, Airport Layout Plan, and is assisting the City obtain a State Aviation Division grant for the new self-serve gasoline fuel system. Performance based specifications are also being developed for the new fuel station.